Thursday, July 22, 2010

Doggie insanity/Fudge can talk/Photog Stuff-ings

Right when I thought I had seen it all, it happened: our two dogs got into a hell bent fury, complete with blood on each other and the floor, over a .... wait for it.... ICE CUBE. No really. It's true. I broke up a mess of fur and blood which began over a solid piece of water. Give me a break. Do these things actually happen to other people?! Or an I predestined to live with animals which are in need of prozac..? Here's to obedience school being a one way ticket out of my dogs becoming addicted to anti-depressants.

On a lighter note (or not, depending on how much I devour), there is currently a lovely presentation of over five POUNDS of fudge in my refridgerator, anxiously awaiting my midnight craving for sugar, and softly calling my name. Wrapped oh so pretty, awaiting my daughter's first birthday party this weekend. Will I make it? Can it be done? Damn you, talking fudge. Damn you.

I'm loving the new techniques I'm learning, both in shooting and post-processing. I wish someone in the Erie area would have a photog workshop! Is anything ever offered that is held closer than PITTSBURGH? Do I HAVE to drive to Pittsburgh for one? Photog friends, please shoot a mama some good news.
Shut up, fudge. Can't you see I'm busy!? Sheesh.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Newness, Oldness, Whatever-ness

     I never thought I would be the kind of person whom kept a blog, a diary or anything in which I could look back on the intermost workings of my brain years later and think, "What!?," but here I am.  Blogging. Keeping up with the times, thats my excuse for this narcissism.  Moving on.

     I'm starting this blog to keep all of the fans of Shatzer Studios Photography in the loop as to what is going on within the company.  Also I am writing to keep anyone who wishes to be a part of my daily shenanigans as wife, mommy and photographer, who is trying to stay cool enough to still own a shirt without a spit-up stain, and trying desperately to come up with a reason to bust out the stillettos. (cue dust rag, eek.) 

     Alas, here it is:  the Mommie-ography.  Enjoy.