Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 55 - Valentine's Day Mini Sessions!

Blog catch up!

This year I decided to run a Valentine's Day Mini Session Promotion, and it's been a huge hit!  THREE back to back sessions today alone!  WHEW!  (It's been one insanely busy "slow season" and I'm loving it!!)

Check out this cuteness!  WOWZA!!

LOVING these!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Valentine's Day Special: SLUMBER PARTY SOIREE!

Week 54 - Sexy Mami, Ooooh LA LA!

Hey, everyone!  Just checking in with my latest session of EXTREME hotness with the lovely Ms. Cat!

So, check this mama out.  How incredibly unfair is this body?  Ok, now, check this:  SHE'S A MOM.  UNFAIR genetics in this family! I'll tell ya!

Not only hot, but brave too!  I was in a FULL snow suit, pant and all, and was freezing.  Tough mamacita!

I've said it a thousand times, and I'll say it a thousand more, I LOVE MY JOB.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Post 53 - Personal RANT

 Ok, let's just put it out there - photography is a competitive business.  

Especially in a small town.  

   When I first started this business over two years ago, I had no idea what I was getting into in terms of dealings with other photogs.  I thought in some lovely way that we would all be friends, and bounce ideas off of each other, as to what worked and what didn't; hoped that photogs locally could get together monthly to discuss events, charity events, children, family, etc.  Alas, I have learned, the hard way, that this is simply not the case.  On the contrary, I have seen firsthand that the clicks of high school still remain, however instead of the walls of high school, now it is in the business world of photography.    

    After being told that I copied someone else's idea by videotaping my daughter pulling a winning name from a bucket on video, I am at a loss.  How many THOUSANDS of people have done the same thing? Give me a break.  

    It comes down to this:

Jealously is a very ugly trait.  So is being an egocentric, arrogant jerk.

Photogs, both professional and hobbyists, please remember:  Neither you, nor I are the poo - and everything you do is more than likely something someone else has already done before you.  Were you indeed copying them then?  Before going off on an opinionated rant about someone ELSE doing you wrong, remember this:  We are ALL a work in progress in this profession.  And YOU aren't that fabulous.  

Next time I run a contest, I think I'll pull a name out of a dirty sock - housed inside a dirty diaper.  Hopefully THAT won't be something that can be challenged as copying someone's idea.  I had no idea that contests were marketed to simply one person.  My apologies.  (Insert SEVERE sarcasm HERE.)

End rant.