WOW. Talk about an insane schedule! I have really fallen behind in the land of blogging!
SORRY guys! Let's play catch up!!
SO, I have done some AWESOME shooting since my last blog entry!
I was incredibly fortunate to have a newborn/family session with the lovely Miss Grace Marie, her Mommy, Daddy, Grama and GREAT-Grama! (And man, this lady is hilarious! SO FUNNY!)
Check out my absolute favorite from the session:
How beautiful is this baby!?!?!?!
Can't wait to work with this awesome family again!
Another awesome kiddo session I have had was with Miss Addison.
Check out this cutie! WOAH!
Sweetie BABY!!
Yet another session, Baby Joey and Family~! NEWBORN!
What a little darlin' this baby is!! I couldn't get enough!
He was Mr. Crabby Pants for his session, and I LOVED every second of it!
What a little sweet pea!! LOVE this baby!!!
Also, I did was lucky enough to shoot the first birthday party for Miss Mariella! This little peanut was SOOOOO much fun to work with!!! LOVE this baby!!
A maternity session on the beach for an old high school friend?! YES, PLEASE!!
It was a cold Spring Day, but Laura and Aaron (who live in South Carolina, and are NOT used to this Yankee weather!) braved it!!
Their little one is due this summer, and I am SO looking forward to doing newborn session for them!!
There it is! Blog catch up!!
Thanks for keeping up with me!
Much Love!!