Friday, April 20, 2012

Spring on the calendar, but feels like summer!

So!  On today's maternity shoot with Adam and Tiffany, I had SO. MUCH. FUN!  After emailing with Tiffany so a couple of weeks now about the session, it was like we already knew one another!  Awesome!

These two are hilarious!  Their new baby girl (name to be announced!) is in for a super fun time having Adam and Tiffany as parents, lemmie tell ya!!!  We laughed throughout the entire session!  


A couple of teaser shots for Mommy and Daddy to be!

A big congratulations to Adam and Tiffany on their little girl!


Much Love,


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blog Catch Up!!!

WOW. Talk about an insane schedule! I have really fallen behind in the land of blogging! 

SORRY guys! Let's play catch up!!

SO, I have done some AWESOME shooting since my last blog entry! 

I was incredibly fortunate to have a newborn/family session with the lovely Miss Grace Marie, her Mommy, Daddy, Grama and GREAT-Grama!  (And man, this lady is hilarious!  SO FUNNY!)

 Check out my absolute favorite from the session:

How beautiful is this baby!?!?!?!  
Can't wait to work with this awesome family again!

Another awesome kiddo session I have had was with Miss Addison.  

Check out this cutie!  WOAH!

Sweetie BABY!! 

Yet another session, Baby Joey and Family~! NEWBORN!  
What a little darlin' this baby is!!  I couldn't get enough!  

He was Mr. Crabby Pants for his session, and I LOVED every second of it!
What a little sweet pea!!  LOVE this baby!!!

Also, I did was lucky enough to shoot the first birthday party for Miss Mariella!  This little peanut was SOOOOO much fun to work with!!!  LOVE this baby!!


A maternity session on the beach for an old high school friend?!  YES, PLEASE!!

It was a cold Spring Day, but Laura and Aaron (who live in South Carolina, and are NOT used to this Yankee weather!) braved it!!  

Their little one is due this summer, and I am SO looking forward to doing newborn session for them!!

There it is!  Blog catch up!!  

Thanks for keeping up with me!

Much Love!!

