I'll never really understand it. I refuse to participate in it. Equipment and brand snobb-ery of photography goodies.
YES, guys, I understand that a lot of people have their preferences when it come to specific brand of electronics. Some people are die hard Cannon people. Some Nikon. Really, though, does the maker/model of the camera guarantee a great photograph? I think not, people.
An eye for art is simply that. In my opinion, having the most recent $3,000 + camera is not the important thing. (Nor is constantly bringing it up.) The passion for the art, and willingness to learn more, are.
Some of my all time favorite shots were taken with a pocket point and click!
That being said, please remember when arguing that you think that your camera is the BEST out there: NO ONE CARES.
Instead of arguing about brands, take a great portrait. People actually give a "doo doo" about that.
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